Have you gotten it?
That email from your boss or the HR department informing you that your annual review is coming up.
Did you feel the joy of anticipation of another awesome review? Wondering if you’ll get the top-end 5% or 6% pay increase?
Or did you feel like you just got punched in the stomach? Knowing you haven’t done Thing One on your goals list. Your results suck. You haven’t even bothered to think about what you’ve accomplished this year. 5% pay increase? No way. You’ll be lucky to get 2 or 3%. Or likely nothing.
Where did the time go? It seemed like it was just the other day that the year was being kicked off.
So what happened? You worked hard every day. But what got accomplished?
It’s not your fault.
Like 95% of the working population, you’ve got other things on your mind. Football games, kids school and sports activities, enjoying your weekends and evenings without work thoughts intruding.
And if you’re fine leaving your career to chance, jumping in the back seat, and letting some crazy Uber boss create your future – whether it works for you or not.
Then stop reading now.
Yes, I mean you.
If you aren’t willing to change it up. No matter how easy the work will be to change.
Then close this up now, crack open a beer, and enjoy your life as it is and as it will be for the next 30 or so years.
Okay. That isn’t you? You want more from your career and life than the “default”?
Then here’s the straight facts. Something YOUR BOSS, COWORKERS, FRIENDS AND FAMILY WON’T TELL YOU.
Because they have a vested interest in the status quo. THEY DON’T WANT YOU TO SUCCEED.
I know that sounds harsh. But it really is the case.
Why do you think people like to watch NASCAR (for the crashes), “Housewives” and soap operas (for the fights and backstabbing), or just about anything in the news?
Because they love to get revenge.
They love to see the high and mighty brought down to size. They love the car crashes.
It just makes them feel better about themselves.
So do you want people who resent you succeeding feeling better about themselves and your career is flushed down a rat hole?
Or are you tired of just getting by and are ready to fill yourself with career rocket fuel?
So I’m not sure where you’re at today. But if that annual review is coming up soon. And you’re feeling Soooo unprepared. Then as YOUR CAREER STRATEGIST your help has arrived.
Since you may be arriving here from many different situations, I’m offering you several options to get what you need and get it now.
Option 1: “The Get-Your-F-ing-Hands-Off-Me Cheat Sheet”
You get my FREE “One Thing” Report. Do the work yourself and it costs you nothing.
Want my feedback to upgrade your results and confirm you’re on track? Get it for just $49 – it’s a steal – even if you only got a 1% raise over what you would have received otherwise it would be worth it, right?
$50K per year X 1% raise difference = $500 cash in your pocket from just looking at things differently.
And if you want my help, that $49 is a drop in the bucket. And what if it got you a 2% extra bump in pay? Wouldn’t that be worth the extra money?
Option 2: “The Beat-The-Boss-And-HR-Conspiracy I-Can-Do-Most-The-Work-Myself Success Package”
In this option we work together to assess your year’s results. We focus on what results are most impactful and should be highlighted in your review. We shore up any weaknesses.
And work out a 60 day action plan to take advantage of the boss-man’s susceptibility to what’s known as the “Recency Effect” – the fact that whatever you do right before the review is going to have the biggest impact on your review score – probably double what you did the whole year prior.
This is accomplished by a 1/2 hour call, some email discussions based on some exercises you complete after our call. Then we draw out the final action plan. As this is a more time involved process and a more personalized and detailed assessment, the fee is $197.
Option 3: “The Don’t-Bleed-Me-Out Boss-Man All-Inclusive Revenge Package”
Tired of being reamed by the boss-man? Well this goes even deeper (We’re up to our elbows in SH*%).
We don’t just look at the upcoming review and thing only about the specific company your review is with. Noooo we go bigger than that. I want you to go in there with guns blazing. You need to know your options – both with this company and outside it (if you decide your worth is not adequately represented following your annual review.
This is the go-big-or-go-home tell-me-the-painful-truth option. And it runs $997. This is the no-holds-barred option. We’ll work closely together over 60 days to set you up for success.
If the price tag scares you, don’t even consider it. It’s okay if you’re not there yet. This is for people who are either at a major tipping point in their career. Or the money is a drop-in-the-bucket (in this case, if you’re flowing with cash, this could be a steal for you). Either way my feelings won’t be hurt.
Which option will you choose?
Or will you choose…
Option 4: “The That’s-Too-Hard Whiney-Lame-Excuse Plan”.
This is where you wimp out and do nothing. You just go back to your cozy little world and hope the layoffs don’t come.
Which one are you? Don’t delay – your annual review is coming up soon. And they won’t be negotiating for you. They’ll be trying to take more money out of YOUR POCKET