There’s a lot of different jobs out there. Compared to about fifty or sixty years ago, there’s a whole world of choice for absolutely everyone to fit themselves into. You’re guaranteed to find your particular talent, skill, or brand these days, and you should never limit yourself to what is considered a traditional option. Sure, we need more nurses and doctors, firefighters and care assistants in the world, but you never have to fit into these molds despite what people tell you.
Whatever it is you want to make your business, there’s an option out there for you to fit yourself into. Niches exist around every corner, and there’s a chance for you to corner the market with what you introduce to your own. So with that in mind, let’s have look at some of the most unusual jobs you could make a career in, and maybe one day start your own business within.
Every one of these people is going to be working in something different; follow in their footsteps!
Become a Taste Tester
Sure, you might have a front seat to some of the most experimental and possibly completely disgusting foods in the world, but you’re going to be able to get a highlight of what’s hitting the market in the food world! And hey, you’re going to be able to try as much of the food as you want, and probably even take home some samples with you (if the item is good enough!)
Not to mention, there’s a certain amount of risk involved here. Because of that, you’re going to be paid well as well. You could very well experience negative side effects from something in a food or drink, but you’re going to have plenty of compensation and considerable benefits on the table to help you out here.
All kinds of different positions exist: you could be a chocolate taster, you could be a stunt tester (that’s if you’re open to eating some bugs…), or you could be chomping down on chips every day for the rest of your time in that position. You can check out some tips on how to land your first taste testing gig here, if you aren’t already scouting those out.
Become a Professional Host
Hosting is something not a lot of people can do, but if you’ve got some confidence and a good smile on your side, this could be a great option for you! And considering the amount of entertainment companies around the globe, you’re never going to be short of jobs to get paid for. But let yourself start small and work your way up; having experience from your friends parties in which they invite some executive connections along to is going to pay off on your CV.
Being a good host involves having a calm demeanor about you, and looking completely comfortable in your own skin. So if you’ve got some energy to use productively, and you know how great you look in a suit and tie or skirt that’ll show off some great hells, practice your craft now. Use the mirror to determine how your face moves when it comes to delivering a speech, or even take some lessons if you’re that serious about trying this career out.
Become a Caretaker for an Entire Island
It’s a lucrative market for anyone wanting the job of a lifetime, so you’re going to have to get in quick with this one! Caretaking for islands is something we don’t hear a lot about, but all those remote landforms of the coast of Australasia, various locations in Europe, and the Americas have to be looked after by someone. And that someone could be you, if you have the driver and the right kind of experience behind you.
You’re not going to have to stick around for too long either, usually about 6 months at a time, and you get to stay on these islands rent free. Think of it as a holiday with a little more expertise needed: countries offer these positions out usually to generate more of an interest in tourism, and you’re usually required to keep a blog of your time, so you need to make your tone interesting and update regularly.
As you can see, there’s a wide range of jobs available out there, and often enough you can be paid for both the wacky and the mundane. If you’re stuck in a work rut, consider trying out for positions like these; you’ll still earn money!
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