We hear a lot about the world’s biggest companies, but in amidst all that fanfare, it’s easy to forget that there’s an industry that powers virtually all of them: the oil and gas industry. As such, this can be one of the best sectors to work in. The potential to earn a high wage is strong, the jobs are varied, and it’s certain to be at the forefront of the global economy in one way or another in the decades to come. But how do you develop a successful career in this industry? We take a look below.

Get in on the Ground Floor
The earlier you enter the industry, the greater your chance of having long-term success. If you’ve just finished college, then you should be trying to find an internship in one of the bigger gas and oil companies. Competition for the best positions can be fierce, so you’ll have to prove that you have the commitment and determination to work in the industry. Once you’re inside the industry, it can be easier than in other industries to move up the ranks.
Find a Mentor
There are a lot of established players in the gas and oil industry, and they will have a lot of invaluable advice to share. But they’re not just going to walk up to you and start talking: you have to seek them out! On this front, you can be well-served by getting a mentor to work with. There are no straightforward career paths in the world of gas and oil, and it’s easy to be a little bamboozled by the options in front of you. By speaking with someone who has been there, done that, you can be sure you’re heading in the right direction.
Understand All Aspects of the Industry
You don’t need us to tell you just how large and varied the oil and gas industry is. Take petroleum; it’s divided into five sectors (upstream, downstream, pipeline, marine, and service and supply). While you won’t be able to be a bona fide expert in all of these aspects, you should have some understanding of how they work and link into one another. Take some time learning about oil data management, the extraction process, and the logistics of the overall operation, among others, and you’ll be in a better position to get ahead. Like as in most other industries, knowledge is power.
Look Ahead
The gas and oil industry is never really static, but it might be forced to change in dramatic ways in the near future. As some of the big players pump more and more money into clean energy, it might be that the ways of operating may be much different in the future. Keep one eye on the future, see where the oil companies are investing their profits, and you’ll be unlikely to be left behind.
With the tips above and a large dose of hard work, you should be in a position to carve out a successful career in this industry!
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