There is only so much time in a day to get everything you want to compete. More often than not, it can feel like you are not getting enough done.
The key to changing this and increasing your productivity is to learn how to work more efficiently to increase your productivity, maximize your time and reduce wasted tasks.
If you are looking to live a more efficient life, then you’re in the right place. This article will look at some of the personality traits of the most successful and efficient people, to see what can be taken away and integrated into your own life.
#1 Plan your day
Without meticulously planning your day, you will not be able to maximize your focus on the activities and tasks that you need or want to complete. Planning in a diary or planner means you wake up and know exactly what you need to do, where you need to be, and have the motivation to work towards something. Time is often wasted sitting around thinking about what to do next, planning will help eliminate this.
#2 Be realistic with time frames
An important part of planning your day is assigning a time frame to complete the task and when to move onto the next task. One of the biggest mistakes people make is to be unrealistic with the time they set for the task. This means tasks overlap and increases the stress and frustration experienced in the day. Make sure you are realistic with time frames. If you are not sure how long it will take you, or if you are feeling more tired, then make sure you assign extra time to do the task.
#3 Outsource tasks
One person can’t do everything themselves, no matter how hard you might try. In some cases, the best option is to delegate or outsource tasks. It is hard to let go of control, but once you do, you’ll see how efficient you can make your life. This can be done at work, or in life. Alternatively, why not see if you can share tasks and responsibilities with your friend or neighbors? Share lifts, take turns to pick up groceries, anything that can save you all time.
You cannot outsource everything, but in some cases, you can cut out the middleman, for example, rather than queuing up at the doctor or chemist for your prescription, why not try doctor dispensing, or something as simple as using Ubereats instead of queueing at your local takeout shop.
#4 Remove distractions
Everyone is different, so what distracts you will be unique to you. If you are easily distracted by music, outside noise, or tend to sit on social media wasting time, then consider removing these distractions when you have important tasks to complete. You don’t have to completely rid your life of things that you enjoy, just eliminate the distractions while you get tasks done, and use the spare time (or scheduled time) to do the things you enjoy like watch TV, use social media, etc.
When you are honest about your habits, create a detailed plan and set realistic expectations, you will be able to significantly increase your efficiency.
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