With Stress Awareness Month upon us, it’s only natural that we explore the things that increase our stress levels. We believe it’s important make every effort to support those around us, check in with ourselves and become wary of how our daily lives induce stress.
A little bit of stress can sometimes be healthy. It can help you accomplish tasks and even boost memory, but when it’s brought into the workplace or our personal lives on a consistent basis this can have a serious impact on our wellbeing and overall health. Face for Business, a telephone answering service, decided to conduct a survey on anxiety levels experienced in UK office workers who need to answer the phone. Phone fear (or most commonly known as “Telephobia”) affects 62% of UK office workers and can have a serious impact on the way we carry out office duties.
The fear of answering the phone can be a catalyst for stress. Millennials are experiencing this the most compared to any other demographic, with 72% experiencing the most telephone-answering anxiety compared to just 40% of baby boomers. Crowned the “anxious generation” – we feel that businesses need to work harder to help millennials feel confident in tasks the older generations find second-nature.
But what can we do to help reduce these anxiety levels across all demographics, as well as millennials?
• Provide adequate telephone training so that employees can comfortably deal with a variety of scenarios
• Remind employees to recall successful conversations to enhance feelings of empowerment
• Anxiety thrives when fear starts winning you over and avoidance becomes a regular pattern.
o Educate employees on anxious behaviours and provide a support network to help them feel relaxed and confident when answering the telephone.
Below is a summary of our results in infographic form:

Author bio
Christina is a Copywriter for Face for Business – a call answering service that offers excellent customer service and call handling to ensure SMEs never miss an incoming call.
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