Lamination is a process of surrounding a paper document in clear plastic. The process is meant to provide a durable option for the protection of paper documents. Lamination has been around for many years, and advances in equipment and materials have allowed this process to be available to a wider range of people and professions. If you have never laminated a document and do not understand how it works, continue reading for further information.
The History of Lamination
Lamination is a process that is meant to add structural stability and protection to fragile paper documents which can become damaged by spills, tears, and wrinkling. The process was invented in the early 1900s and was widely used from the 1930s to 70s to protect archives. Those who are interested can visit FilmsourceInc.net for more information.
The original lamination process involved sandwiching fragile paper documents between pieces of tissue and thin sheets of plastic. The layers were fused together using heat, leaving the document fully protected against acidic damage and damages caused by light, fluids, and mold and mildew.
Over the years, many developments have occurred in the process of lamination. The machines of the early 1900s were extremely bulky, expensive, and demanding. Many inventors rose to the scene to improve the lamination process. One of the most notable was William Barrow, and his inventions helped propel lamination further. Eventually, the National Bureau of Standards released their process of stages that must be completed to properly laminate an archive document, and they included the following.
1. The document was first deacidified.
2. The document was layered between sheets of tissue and cellulose acetate.
3. The document was then topped with a thin layer of Japanese tissue to prevent tears and improve the strength.
4. The lamination protection process would involve a stack of five layers to ensure the document was fully protected.
5. The “sandwich” of layers was placed into a laminate press machine where they were heated and sealed. The plastic cellulose material became part of the paper, changing its composition.
Even though the National Bureau of Standards meant well in attempting to standardize the lamination process, there was great variation in the methods that were used to protect fragile paper documents.
Today, many advances have been made in the lamination process. Although there are still massive machines for commercial applications, there are now much smaller options for those who have simple lamination projects at home.
How Is Lamination Used Today?
While lamination has been around for decades, it is still being used today on the industrial and personal level. Lamination is used in many industries and has a surprising number of uses that most people do not even consider.
Lamination is common in producing building materials. From laminated flooring to countertops, there are a variety of materials that have been prepared using lamination techniques.
Lamination is often used in the protection of important documents, photos, and many types of paper. The lamination is put in place to seal the paper material from water and UV light. It is also used to prevent folding, tearing, wrinkling, smudging, abrading, and marking.
A common reason for paper lamination is for paper use in all types of weather. Placing a lamination film over a fragile document makes it imperviable to water, so it can be used outdoors and will even stand up to rain without being damaged by an influx of water. Lamination is often used for the following.
· Old photographs
· Social security cards, birth certificates, and other important documents
· Outdoor paper signs for yard sales and announcements
· Certificates of achievement
· Artwork
· Christmas ornaments
· Cards
· Emergency numbers
· Labels
· Placemats
· Cleaning lists
· Inventory
Once a person becomes acclimated with the process of lamination, there are tons of options available. Most people find they cannot live without their lamination machine and use it often.
Types of Laminate Plastic
There are different types of laminate plastic that can be used to protect all types of paper, including photos. The type used will depend on the machine and the kind of paper document that is being laminated.
1. Standard thermal lamination film
2. Heat-assisted laminating film
3. Low-temperature thermal lamination film
4. Liquid laminate (Primarily used in building materials.)
5. Pressure-sensitive lamination film
Types of Lamination Machines
There are several types of laminating machines that can be used for different projects.
Understanding each of the types is essential before making a choice.
· Pouch laminators are one of the most popular for non-commercial use. They are affordable and easy to use. With this machine, the document is placed in the pouch and run through the machine without any rollers.
· Hot roll laminators are considered an industry standard. These machines use rolls of plastic film and use heat to sandwich documents between the two layers of plastic. These machines not only protect the paper but also enhance its appearance.
· Wide format laminators are needed for larger lamination projects. This type of machine mounts inkjet projects to foam and a variety of other large-scale projects. While these machines are more expensive than some types, their uses are vast.
· Cold roll laminators are much like hot rollers, only they do not use heat to finish the lamination process. These machines use pressure-sensitive lamination films to produce a tight seal without any heat.
· Dry mount lamination equipment uses pressure and heat to laminate more sensitive pieces, such as photos. This type of machine is ideal for commercial use because it produces consistently professional results.
Yes, lamination is still a process that is being used today. When starting out in lamination, many people purchase smaller machines until they fully understand the process. There are tons of options with lamination, so the sky is the limit. Choosing the right equipment and films is essential for the perfect outcome. Carefully following the manufacturer’s instructions and taking time in the process will produce the best results. Paper no longer must be fragile with the many advances that have occurred in the art of lamination. Lamination can help protect documents, photos, and important pieces of paper for many years to come, without any damage occurring.
I’m glad you explained that lamination is used to help protect important documents from being damaged by moisture. My wife wants to print out her resume so that she can have a physical copy should she ever need it. I think it would be a good idea for her to have her resume laminated so that it can’t get damaged.