A conducive work environment plays a very important role in promoting positive vibes among employees. A harmonious environment also helps in improving the productivity of your team and you might be surprised how much importance millennials give to it. Did you know that UK millennials were found to have rejected potential job opportunities because they found the office layouts to be uninspiring? The millennials do not like the layouts that have conventionally been there till date as they reportedly find them to be restrictive. Having a functional desk space with multiple screens has been found to improve productivity by up to 50%.
So, if you are wondering what else they dislike about the conventional offices, the second thing on the list is the lack of open spaces and poor utilization of space. To be able to stimulate creativity, workers need to work in an office that has open spaces to think besides collaboratively working alongside their team to keep the motivation up. The millennial generation also likes natural light a lot besides and want it to be incorporated into the office building. Next is the smell of blossoming flowers in the office for which employers can get a theme designed for the office layout to have various colorful plants and flowers grow in the workspace instead of restricting them to waiting areas and lobby.
Next on the list is adding bright and interesting colors to the office as millennials find color themes of conventional office spaces to be dull and boring. Usage of colors lowers stress levels among employees and boosts their morale which helps with the creative process and hence improving their overall productivity.So, are you interested in making amends to your office space based on the aforementioned observations? Learn more about the benefits of switching to a millennial office space, check out this infographic now!

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