When you first start out in business, you’ll often do so alone. And that’s often the best way to get started. It’s just you and your ideas and you’re excited to make waves with what you’re doing. However, before long, you’re going to realize that you can’t do everything alone. As you start to grow, you will find that you need to bring in some support. But as you do this, if you’re new to hiring, you may find that you start to look for people that you either like, or that you’re similar too. Because that’s the thing with looking for staff, you’ll often have a personal interest in the process. But what you need to do is the complete opposite of what you think you should. If you’re creative, you won’t always need more creatives around you. Instead you’ll want to find people that are strategic, and vice versa. And here’s why…
You Can’t Do It All
First of all, you have to realize that you just can’t do it all. You’ll think that you can, or you’ll want to (particularly if you’re a type A), but you just can’t. Not if you want to grow. You need to make sure that you’re focusing on the things that you can do, and then bring in others to take on other areas.
You Need To Play To Your Strengths
As you start to realize that you just can’t do it all, then you need to focus on the things that you can do. If you’re great with marketing or sales or networking, then do that. If you love strategy and finance, do that. You need to focus on your own strengths, and this has to be something quite narrow, because at the same time, you need to push the business forward.
It’s Better To Let The Experts Lead The Way
So, when you’re focusing on your own stuff, you then need to bring in experts to take on the stuff that you’re not so great at. And these are your opposites. Whether that’s strategic technology consulting or financial experts, you bring them in and let them influence what you’re doing with their skills and experience. On the flip side, if you’re strategic, then you can hire in the creatives to do their thing.
You Need To Absorb Fresh Ideas
One thing to really note is that if you’re working on everything yourself or with like-minded people, you’re really limited. So, by working with your opposites, you get to bring in some really different and exciting ideas. And yes, they’re going to be fresh.
It Pays To Surround Yourself With Smarter People
And finally, you need to make sure that you’re always working with people that are smarter than you are. Don’t just hire interns or people that you can educate, because they’re not always going to bring anything to the table. Instead, when you hire people smarter than you, they are going to really add value. And this is how you’re going to really push things forward.
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