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Whether you maintain your equipment yourself, have employees do it, or outsource, there are valid reasons for keeping it up. Mostly these relate to health and safety. But productions and reduced costs are also vital. Here are some of the most important factors across all sectors.
Prolong the Life of Expensive Machines
No matter what you do for a living, machinery and equipment cost a lot of money. And if you’re just starting out, it can be even more as you get everything you need. In the first year, the average start-up costs can be around $30,000. So, if you want your machines to last longer, it pays to keep them in good shape. There are, of course, experts who can help with complicated machineries, like a hydraulic repair service. The upfront costs will reduce the chances of delays.
To Stay in Production
In some fields, the most valuable thing you have is time spent making things. The car business is a good example of a field where stopping means losing. When your machines work well, everything in your plant goes well. A well-run plant has a high level of productivity, which lets companies meet supply and demand on time. This makes the equipment more reliable and makes it last longer. Overall, a plant that works well and is reliable makes money.
Maintain Your Equipment for Insurance Claims
When making a claim on insurance, it’s helpful to have accurate records of how machinery was cared for. For some insurance providers, you must be able to demonstrate that the equipment you own and use is regularly maintained and serviced. This is important if you want to make a claim. As a claim might be thrown out if the machinery wasn’t well taken care of or regularly serviced. And this means you will have to pay for something to be fixed or replaced.
Reduce the Costs
In a factory setting, if a dilemma with a machine goes unnoticed, it could cause bad products to be made. The output may lead to parts or products that don’t meet your usual specifications and have to be thrown away. Aside from losing work time, the person in charge of the machine may have to work after hours to fix it. This could make the worker work more than contracted, which means you will also have to compensate them for their time and maybe book additional repairs.
Health and Safety
Many accidents at work happen because equipment breaks down when it shouldn’t. In a typical industrial business, about 35% of accidents happen because the equipment used to make things break down. And they often end in death. Because heavy machinery is so complicated, the construction industry has the most fatal workplace accidents. Your employees might expect to get hurt doing a dangerous job. But no one should have to fear for their life when at work.
There are various reasons to maintain your equipment at your business. Remember that good maintenance can only be conducted if you have quality equipment and utilities in the first place, justifying a worthwhile investment to begin with. No matter if you’re running automated machinery for a factory line, or an air compressor for your garage, this essential priority remains the same. This way, you will help them last longer, cover your insurance claims and reduce the number of accidents or fatalities at work.
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