It’s still evident, after all the struggle for women’s rights, there still are some unspoken double standards at the workplace regarding women and men. Society has certainly come a long way from the brazen sexism at the office so today, there are women working side by side with men across all industries.
However, certain stereotypes persist and can be observed in every field and every job. So, as a professional woman, you have to take it upon yourself to command the respect you deserve and work your way through the sensitive grounds of professional issues. Here are several tips that can help you on your way to professional excellence.

Be assertive but not aggressive
One issue women constantly have to battle is the shift of focus from their appearance to their brains and expertise. The best way to make this shirt is to s assertively speak your mind, but you need to mind how you phrase it. You need to up your communication game and stay away from blunt and aggressive demands, but rather use a non-confrontational tone. This won’t put the other side into a defensive mode. Even in disagreements, you can find common ground and use it as an olive branch before you proceed to explain what it is that you want to do differently.
Advocate for yourself
One of the best ways to get respect at work is to advocate for yourself, to know what you want, and how to ask for it. It’s an important part of your assertive attitude and a valuable skill that will serve you well throughout your career. Among the key leadership skills is knowing how to negotiate and being able to navigate whatever comes next, whether it’s an offer or a counteroffer.

Look the part
In addition to great communication skills, you need to look the part. This is certainly where double standards come into play as men are often forgiven for dressing casually whereas women are expected to adhere to very strict codes. So, the dilemma may be whether to dress casually as male colleagues do to show you’re equal to them or take the more professional route. This is a valid debate, but speaking of dress codes, it’s probably best to err on the side of elegance and class. Your professional looks will contribute to your professional image, so you make the effort to dress for work appropriately.
If your company encourages a jeans and sneakers look, then you don’t have to splurge on a fancy business suit. A blazer over your jeans can add a professional touch, and you can combine it with tailored pants and heels for a business meeting. Don’t forget your hairstyle as well as it should match your overall look. You can go from letting your hair down to putting it up and even adding high-quality ponytail hair extensions to give it more value. Whatever you decide on, avoid low-cut garments, short skirts, and flamboyant accessories as these can be distractive and lead people to take you less seriously.
Know when to walk away
Sometimes you may find yourself in a situation where all your skills and strategies and professional appearance and conduct simply don’t get you the level of professional respect you deserve. This is the time to walk away. You are by no means obligated to stay in a position where you are disrespected and treated according to primitive perceptions of women. Never feel guilty or ashamed for wanting to work in an environment that matches your knowledge, education, skills and personality.

Be confident
Demonstrate confidence in what you do and how you do it. You need to believe that you deserve your position because you are qualified and capable. With the before-mentioned strategies – the right appearance, assertive language and great communication skills – your confidence will radiate.
Be neutral
Finally, do not give in to the petty atmosphere of gossip, unfair criticism and competitiveness. Whatever the industry is, to command respect as a female leader, it is absolutely essential you avoid joining in. You must stay neutral and reliable so your employees and co-workers can feel they can trust you. Only then will you be able to create a productive environment and command respect.
We’ve come far in our female struggle, but it’s important to recognize there’s still room for progress. Being a successful and respected female entrepreneur today is easier than before since gender is no longer considered an impediment, but the old boys’ club still exists. However, accepting this quietly doesn’t work anymore. It takes courage to fight for deserved respect, but it gets easier as you go.
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