Staying focused on work can sometimes be challenging. That’s especially true when your home becomes your office and you go from being surrounded by your superiors every day, to having the comfort of your home at your disposal 24/7. Resisting the urge to chill and procrastinate for another hour seems like the biggest struggle, but fortunately, we have a few tips, which will help you stay focused on work and motivated every day.

Create a morning routine
No task will seem unachievable when you have a clear goal and an even clearer path to achieving that goal. One of the best recipes to success is creating a morning routine that will allow you to wake up, freshen up and start your working day fully invigorated. Instead of showering in the evening, consider having a quick shower upon getting out of bed. Follow the shower with a deliciously nutritious breakfast filled with proteins and vitamins that will keep you up. A cup of coffee is always a must to improve your focus, and feel free to include a morning ritual in there, as well. Create a pleasant morning for yourself, so that you can look forward to what follows.

Dress for success
We know that sweatpants, joggers and PJs sound like the best option for at-home work. However, those won’t make you feel like you’re on a mission to accomplish something great. Just because the interior is different doesn’t have to mean your exterior needs to change as well. So, make sure you dress up for work every day as you would if you were heading into the office. Put on office-appropriate make-up because you never know if a last-minute Zoom call will come your way. Not only will dressing up keep you motivated, but it will also bring extra points with your bosses who will see you as a professional employee who’s always in their full working mode.

Stay active at home
Physical activity is one of the best energizers. Making sure you continue with your regular exercises even when working from home is paramount to keep you focused and on top of your schedule. Pick up your leggings, your trainers and head out for a morning jog before your breakfast. Always make sure you invest in premium-quality leggings that will make every workout comfortable and enjoyable. Don’t forget to bring your bottle of water that will hydrate you and allow you to give your maximum energy during a workout.

Declutter digitally and physically
Spending more time at home than before can turn your house into a hoarder’s nest in a blink of an eye. If you’re seeing papers, files, empty snack packaging and bottles everywhere, it’s no wonder you lack motivation. The only solution to this problem is decluttering. Sort all the mess, throw away stuff that you don’t need and create a neat and tidy working environment just like you’d have in your office. Aside from physical clutter, a digital mess can also pose a huge threat to your motivation and focus. How many files do you have on your computer desktop? Are they sorted in any particular way or scattered without any meaning? Create folders for them, store them accordingly and delete if you find any unnecessary files.

Plan out your day with a schedule
A well set out plan is half a work done. So, invest in a quality planner, be it physical or digital. Note down all of your tasks for the day and plan out specific times to do them at. If possible, set a timeline for every task, so your day can be as efficient as possible. To-do lists are also very useful, allowing you to tick off each task as you complete it.

Reward yourself for a job well done
Nothing will motivate you as much as a reward will. In the end, your salary motivates you to perform your job well, so why not offer yourself minor rewards throughout the day to keep you motivated all the time. Whether you decide to go for a walk, watch an episode of your favourite tv show or sit and listen to a podcast, opt for a reward that you’ll give yourself once you have accomplished all the tasks for the day.
Staying focused and motivated won’t always be easy, but with proper guidance and enough of your determination, you will do it well. Make sure you have our tips in mind the next time you start your working week, and we guarantee your motivation and focus will be at their highest.
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